About Us

Learn all about broadband.co.uk and our independent broadband comparison services.

Broadband.co.uk was launched in 2004. It is now owned by Genie Ventures Ltd. and is a sister brand to Broadband Genie. The aim of broadband.co.uk is to provide independent, expert advice to anyone who is either upgrading their broadband connection, or signing-up to broadband for the first time.

We are planning to grow the website, to offer even more information about the latest broadband deals and informed guidance. Please let us know if you think something can be improved.

Contact Us

If you are a consumer with feedback about the Broadband.co.uk website, expert service or phone line, please contact us at feedback@broadband.co.uk. If you have a question about broadband in general or are trying to solve a problem, you can email our broadband expert on expert@broadband.co.uk.

For queries regarding vouchers or rewards relating to a product purchased through Broadband.co.uk please contact our sister brand Broadband Genie at rewards@broadbandgenie.co.uk.

Please note, we are a comparison website and not an Internet service provider. If you're trying to contact your supplier, we provide a list of broadband supplier contact numbers.

If you are a broadband service provider we would be very pleased to talk with you to ensure our customers are provided with the best deals and offers available. Please contact us at broadbandsupplier@broadband.co.uk.

For all advertising and sponsorship on this site please contact Chris Said at chris.said@broadbandgenie.co.uk.

For all press enquiries please email press@broadband.co.uk or visit our press room.

broadband.co.uk is published by:

Broadband Tools Ltd
Nine Hills Road
CB2 1GE 

Equality and Diversity

We are committed to fulfilling our obligations under the Equality Act 2010, as both an employer and a provider of broadband comparison services.

We have striven to provide an accessible website and to offer alternative methods to access our services through our phone line, call back and ask the expert email services.

Complaints Policy

We pride ourselves on providing independent and accurate broadband comparison services for our visitors, but there may be times when you wish to contact us to report a problem or make a complaint.

If you wish to make a complaint, please email us at feedback@broadband.co.uk providing as much relevant detail as possible about the nature of the problem.

We take all complaints seriously and aim to respond to all messages within 3 working days. We will correct problems as soon as is practically possible and will keep you informed of progress if a solution proves to be time consuming.

Some of our services are provided in partnership with third parties, and as such we'll pass on the technical details of complaints to them whenever relevant. If your complaint relates to an Internet service provider rather than to Broadband.co.uk, we will inform you of this and advise you of the best method to contact the supplier to make your complaint directly.